Jun 3, 2013


I first saw this video six and a half years ago.  I was reminded of it today and watched it again and love it as much as I did the first time I saw it. 

Tens of thousands of Jews live in Azerbaijan, which is one of the few Muslim countries which allows Jews to live in peace. It is one of the few countries of the world where Jewish blood has not been spilled.  The Moslems take pride in being good neighbors and in the authentic Jewish traditions. Rabbi Bruk, the Chabad rabbi of the community, produced this music video as a way of expressing the community's gratitude to the government officials for being allowed to live in peace.

This video clip was shown on all the television stations in Azerbaijan dozens of times.  It made a big Kiddush Hashem.  Many Jews, who had forgotten their Jewish identity, began coming to shul, sending their children to Jewish schools and attending shiurim.

Here's the video

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