Jan 17, 2012

Endless Names on Tehillim Lists

As far as I know, it's a new thing in the Jewish world to have long lists of names of people we don't know who need a refuah shleima that are recited in some shuls for a Mi Sh'Berach or recited before a shiur or recited before saying Tehillim. 

Whatever happened to saying the few names of people you know or have some connection to, and including the rest in the phrase, "rofei cholei amo Yisrael" that ends the bracha of Refa'einu in Shmone Esrei? Or in the phrase "b'soch sh'or cholei Yisrael" that is sometimes inserted in the Yehi Ratzon in the Refa'einu bracha and is in the Mi Sh'Berach?

Is anybody responsible for ensuring that these long lists of names are updated? Do names on the list remain there forever no matter if the person recovered or passed on? I think it's an imposition on the tzibbur when long lists of names are recited.

As for myself, the names I keep in mind in my prayers are people I know personally or people whose condition I can readily check out.  If a request is made to say Tehillim for someone via email or some other announcement, I will often say one perek of Tehillim then and there and that's all.  They don't go on my list.

1 comment:

  1. Regarding Tehillim lists, I really don't even look at them. On collive.com, if there is a click box for kapital chof, I click and say with the person's name. Other than that, unless I am close to a situation, I don't really say tehillim for the person. It is really awkward to meet people in public and have them say that I am still on their Tehillim list! I am really grateful for all their prayers but at the same time, I am out and about. The only thing hanging over my head is the decision whether or not to do chemo. That depends on the results of a test that I have not heard the results yet. Maybe their prayers will make a difference that way.
    People who are looking for a mitzvah that doesn't require gas or cooking or money spent, or even personal interactions, could say Tehillim for a list of unknown people. Some of these lists automatically delete people after a period of time, unless they are instructed to do otherwise.
